Přehled skladeb interpreta - Našrot

21 reasons why white men can't sing rap
A minor operation
Anarchy in the C. S.
Another 1984 (fuck their bright right life)
Arabian magic train
Big star honey johnny
Bloody oil
Blues levnýho baru
Blues růžovýho pokoje
Break on through
Demon in my mind
Don't kill the rats
Epilogue: What fills me up?
Freddie the spider
Fuck army
Funky town
Girl that's you (remix)
Girl, that's you
Going to shamballah
Hej, chlapče
Highway 2000
Hnijící královna
Hodnej kluk
Hollywood (the dreams above l. A.) & Break on
I killed my little pony
I want to take you away from here
I'm free
In a bar named „there…“
It's a rhythm generation
It's Fucking World
It's my homework
Jsem šťasten, že jsem člověk
Koziáš 3,14
Koziáš 44
Koziáš I
Koziáš II
Král je mrtev, ať žije král
Let's go to the show
Life on the blade of a knife
Like a hurricane
Live is elsewhere
Looking into your privacy
Lost generation
Love is like a red rose
Mahaj beham
Malá je naděje
Modlitba pro pana vepře
Mr. Moneyeater
Nemám už naději
Night in Lhasa
No way in this reality
Oh my fuckin' mind
Only pain
Pain hunter
Paperback writer
Plastická trhavina
Pochod falešnejch rebelů
Policejní stát
Princip zrcadla pomocí kterého můžeme pozorovat věci postavený na hlavu
Produkty ideologie
Prologue: Rhythm of the jungle
Purple haze
Refugees from the future
Runners with death
Sexy story
She's the right girl
Schovej se
Simply stupid day
Skeptikl song
Smile for the camera
Snowing in the desert
Soldiers of a different world
Song about you, babe
Strýc na výboře
Sunday morning
Takový malý vychýlení
Tequila under the dark sun
The bastard deputy
The brain investigator
The kiss of the death time
The love of a psycho
The nightmare in tanger
The prisoner
The windy day (a slow pathetic song smelling of camp)
There's no way
Try to lie
Underground už neni, co bejval
Us and them
War or peace & love
We are still here
We'll never die
We'll never die (part II)
Whole lotta love
Words are dead
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